Stay connected with your family with the most affordable unlimited internet and calls plan. Only RM38 monthly with no contract!
For RM38 and Above Masterline Customers
The most affordable unlimited plan
for your family

RM38 / mth
Stay connected with your family with the most affordable unlimited internet and calls plan. Only RM38 monthly with no contract!
For RM38 and Above Masterline Customers
The most affordable unlimited plan
for your family

RM38 / mth
* For a full list of countries and their respective call charges, please check here. *All prices mentioned do not include Service Tax, only applicable for redONE Postpaid users.

Check Coverage
Powered by Celcom Axiata, our redONE users can enjoy the same widest and best network coverage throughout Malaysia.

Locate an Agent
Visit one of our appointed agents or partners in your region.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is this offer all about?
This is an offer to attract MNP port-in customers to sign up our redONE Postpaid line and our loyal customers to sign up for a redONE Postpaid Family line with no Advance Payment for your family member. - How long is this offer?
This is an offer effective from 15 August 2023. - Where can I sign up for these plans?
You can sign up at any redONE Branch Office and redONE Partners. - Who is eligible to sign up for these plans?
All MNP Port-in Master account customers and existing master account customers on monthly commitment RM38 and above plan. - How much do I need to pay upon registration?
Please refer below table for the upfront payment charges:Item Family38 Registration Fee RM10 Advance Payment RM38 - For a limited time only, we’re waiving the Advance payment for all Mobile Number Portability (MNP) customers.
- If you require a higher credit limit, deposit is required if your tenure with redONE is less than 6 months.
- I am blacklisted by other telco. I would like to sign up to Family38 with a new redONE number. How much Advance Payment do I need to pay?
You need to pay RM38 Advance Payment.
- What is redCALL?
redCALL is a new Value-Added Service (VAS) that enables high voice usage customers to make unlimited voice calls to all networks in Malaysia. - Do I need to activate/ subscribe redCALL?
No, the redCALL will be activated automatically once your Family38 Postpaid plan is successfully activated or successfully ported-in. - I don’t want the redCALL service. Can I terminate it?
No, you cannot terminate the redCALL service. It is bundled with the Family38 Postpaid plan for you to enjoy unlimited calls to all networks in Malaysia. - Is the unlimited voice calls to all networks valid for calls made when I am roaming?
The unlimited voice calls is valid for domestic calls in Malaysia only. - Does the unlimited voice calls include calls to fixed lines e.g. 03 numbers?
Yes. The unlimited voice calls include all domestic calls to mobile numbers and fixed line numbers in Malaysia. Calls to special numbers are excluded. - Is there a Fair Usage Policy for the unlimited voice calls?
Yes, Fair Usage Policy of 100 hours per month is applicable. - What happens when I exceed the Fair Usage Policy for unlimited calls?
You can continue to call other networks’ numbers at RM0.15 per minute for the remaining days of the calendar month.
- What is redDATA?
redDATA is a Value-Added Service (VAS) that offers unlimited data@6Mbps - Do I need to activate/ subscribe redDATA?
No, the redDATA will be activated automatically once your Family38 Postpaid plan is successfully activated or successfully ported-in. Subscription charges for individual partners may apply, if any. - I don’t want the redDATA Can I terminate it?
No, you cannot terminate the redDATA service. It is bundled with the Family38 Postpaid plan for you to enjoy unlimited data access in Malaysia. - I have utilised the redDATA Can I subscribe to redDATA again?
No, only 1 active subscription is allowed in a month. However, you can purchase the Data Top Up to stream at high speed. - How do the customers check on their redDATA data balance
Customers can check the usage by dialing *123# or via the 1App. - When can I utilise the redDATA data quota?
You can use the redDATA data anytime. The redDATA data will expire at the end of the month. - What is the speed of the redDATA streaming?
The speed of data quota for redDATA streaming is 6Mbps. You will need to use a 4G LTE compatible device to enjoy the 4G speed.
Terms and Condition
- The Family38 plan is available from 15 August 2023.
- The plan is valid for active Master line customers with:
- Monthly commitment of RM38 and above only
- Good pay master (Not barred or suspended in the last 3 months)
- Current master line or sub line(s) must be in active mode. Any form of
suspension or barring is not allowed. - Master account holders on other plans who change their plan to any available monthly commitment RM38 and above plan must meet criteria i,ii,iii, & iv.
- Individual billing is not allowed for the Family38 line.
- Family38 line is not allowed to be promoted to master account.
- Master account is not allowed to downgrade/ upgrade after the master account had taken this offer.
- Corporate, M2M and Foreigners are not allowed for this program.
- All prices displayed exclude service tax which will be imposed in your monthly bill (except for Advance Payment).
- RM38 Advance Payment is required. The Advance Payment is waived for MNP- Port-in customers.
- Monthly access fee of the Family38 plan is only applicable for the bundled data, unlimited data and unlimited voice calls to all networks in Malaysia and fixed line numbers, not for video calls and voice calls to special numbers.
- The redCALL and redDATA VAS are bundled with the Family38 plan and are not optional. RM10 per month will be charged to the bill for redCALL.
- The data bundle for Family38 will be prorated based on the customer’s bundled high speed data usage. The prorated usage prices are as below:
Plan Name | High Speed Data Usage 25% or less | High Speed Data Usage 26% – 50% | High Speed Data Usage 51% – 75% | High Speed Data Usage 75% or more |
Family38 | RM7 | RM14 | RM21 | RM28 |
- Upon 100% utilisation of the bundled high speed data, the subsequent usage will be slowed to a maximum of of 6Mbps speed. Customer may opt to purchase Data Top Up to continue surfing the Internet at high speed.
- Family38 plan can be a new redONE number or a MNP Port-in number.
- Each eligible master line subscriber is allowed to sign up for 6 (six) Family38 supplementary line per master. Should the master line have more than 6 supplementary lines, for any additional sup line request, partner is required to create redONE Form (mReg Offline) as per existing SOP.
- Change Plan – a downgrade is not allowed for the Family38 plan line. A Plan Upgrade is allowed.
- The redCALL Value-Added Service (VAS) offers unlimited voice calls to all networks and is applicable for domestic usage within Malaysian networks only. Video calls and voice calls to special numbers are excluded.
- The redCALL VAS is bundled with the NEW Family38 Postpaid plan and is not optional. RM10 per month will be charged to the bill.
- Unlimited voice calls include:
- All domestic calls to redONE Postpaid, redONE Prepaid and other mobile operators
- All domestic calls to national fixed line numbers
- CALLS EXCLUDED from the unlimited voice calls include:
- Calls to 1300 / 1700 / 1600 / 1MOCC numbers
- Calls to special and premium numbers
- Video calls
- IDD calls
- The redCALL VAS will be auto renewed on the 1st of every month.
- In any event where the customer wants to change his/her subscribed plan from NEW Family38 to another plan, the subscription to redCALL will be automatically terminated unless the new plan is Amazing38, Amazing58 or Hybrid50.
- The unlimited calls to all networks in Malaysia shall NOT be:
- Re-sold, rented or utilized in any other way except as an individual making calls to other network users in Malaysia.
- Used for rerouting calls (connection with a device/software/application)
- Used for setup switch devices which could keep a line open potentially for hours
- Used for multiple simultaneous calling and conference calling
- Used for call centre and telemarketing
- Used for continuous calling for extended period of time, auto dialing and machine to machine communication
- The redDATA Value-Added Service (VAS) offers unlimited data@6Mbps and is applicable for domestic usage within Malaysian only.
- The redDATA VAS is bundled with the NEW Family38 Postpaid plan and is not optional.
- The unlimited data can be used for all data services.
- redDATA can only be utilized domestically i.e. within Malaysia network only. Data usage when overseas are subjected to data roaming charges. The customer shall be charged based on the data rates imposed by the respective redONE roaming operators for data usage while roaming with redONE’s overseas roaming partners.
- The redDATA VAS will be auto renewed on the 1st of every month.
- The redDATA data will expire at the end of the calendar month. Any unutilised redDATA data will not be carried forward to the following month.
- In any event where the customer wants to change his/her subscribed plan from NEW Family38 to another plan, the subscription to redDATA will be automatically terminated.
- Upon 100% utilization of the redDATA quota, any further Internet usage will be deducted from available Data Top Up quota or you will surf on reduced speeds.
- Unlimited data quota is restricted only for Subscriber’s individual use and cannot be shared with any other person(s) or devices in any manner (including SIM boxes or mobile hotspot) and is subjected to redONE’s Fair Usage Policy.
- Data service is subject to network limitations and availability and device capability. Your download speed and data capacity will vary and may be slower and could be affected by your distance from our mobile tower, the capacity of our mobile tower, the source of your download, your handset type and quality, the general Internet traffic and coverage availability or due to Fair Usage Policy. (FUP). For more info, please visit https://www.redonemobile.com.my/legal/fair_use_policy
- redDATA is non-transferable, whether by operation of law or otherwise, either to any other person, entity or any other redONE Postpaid account.
- We reserve the rights at any time without being liable to you or any third party to interrupt, bar, suspend, restrict the Plan and Service(s) for such time as we see fit or terminate, discontinue or disconnect the Plan and Service(s) if your usage:
- shows excessive usage or placing unusual burdens on the network;
- is for unlawful activities or for suspected fraudulent activities;
- is not in accordance with the redONE Fair Usage Policy (at https://www.redonemobile.com.my/legal/fair_use_policy)
- is for commercial/non-personal purposes.
- The Promotion is provided according to the Terms of Service on our Postpaid Sign-Up Form. You must comply with the terms including the relevant service description, our Fair Usage Policy, Privacy Policy, the relevant Postpaid subscription plan and these additional terms and conditions (collectively, the “Terms”) all of which are available on redonemobile.com.my